5 Ways to Connect with New Moms

So, you’re a first time mom looking to connect with new moms? Trust me, you’re not alone! Motherhood can be isolating even when you have a loving partner and supportive friends. 

Us mamas need each other to survive! Especially when we’re in the newborn phase

I can’t tell you how many nights I’ve been up at 1AM, 3AM and 5AM sending memes to my mom friends. Honestly, they are what keep me going when shit gets rough. 

Why? Because it’s important to not feel alone when you’re in the most challenging phase of motherhood. 

You need moms who have done it before and moms who are in it with you to make it. And one day, you’ll be able to pass down all your super mommy knowledge to the next batch of mamas. 

Trust me, it’s beyond gratifying. 

I’ve been super blessed to have a lot of friends who are pregnant at the same time as me. And no, we didn’t coordinate it. Although that’s not a bad idea, LOL. 

But I know that’s not the reality for everyone!! Some of you are the first of your friend group, or live far away from all of your besties and family.

Here are 5 Ways to Connect with New Moms! 

  1. Facebook Groups
  2. Reddit
  3. Blog Newsletters
  4. Pinterest
  5. Local Groups

Join a Facebook Group for New Moms

Joining a Facebook group might sound obvious, but I promise I’m about to give you more details to make sure you’re in the right group! 

I’m sure you’ve joined a group before, only to find out it’s a bunch of internet trolls and bullies. That’s NOT what we need in postpartum.

So far, I’ve found that the BEST Facebook group to connect with new moms is specific to the month my baby was born. 

Try searching for these:

  • Babies Born in [Month, Year]
  • [Month, Year] Babies 
  • [Month, Year] Mamas 

These have been my absolute favorite groups to connect with new moms. 


Because we all have babies going through the same thing at the same time. 

You’ll have A LOT of questions as a first-time mom. Or even as a second or third-time mom. Babies are super unique and unpredictable, and it helps to have people to ask for advice who can directly relate to what you’re going through. 

Pro-Tip: Check to make sure the group is women only. No hate to the dads, but some of us want to vent about our partners or post breastfeeding pics, and I personally prefer to do that in women-only groups. Also, I’ve found smaller groups to be more helpful. Sometimes, the big groups get 100+ comments on a post, and you can end up feeling a little lost in the advice. 

Connect with New Moms on Reddit 

Okay, hear me out… Reddit is TOP TIER for mom connections. Why? Because Reddit is filled with real people telling real stories. 

Sure, some blogs (like mine) provide information based on personal experiences, but a lot of the stuff out there these days is filled with generic information from people who are writing for industries they aren’t experts in. 

Trust me. As a full-time copywriter outside of this blog, I can promise you that over ½ the stuff you read online is written by someone who just Googled the topic and threw some info together. 

When my baby had an absolutely horrendous diaper rash, I found the cure on Reddit because there were moms who had been going through the same thing! 

Not only are you going to find great info here, but you’re going to be able to chat and make awesome online mom friends. 

Subscribe to Mommy Blog Newsletters + Communities 

Ok, so Newsletters aren’t going to connect you to a group of new moms, BUT they will connect you with a mom ready to tell her stories and help you feel less alone in your journey. 

I freakin love a good newsletter!!! If you stumble across a mommy blog you like, you should ALWAYS subscribe to it!!! 

Not only are you supporting a fellow mama and her business, but you’re also getting great information about parenting from someone who lives and breathes motherhood.

As for Mommy Blog Communities, some platforms offer private Facebook groups or Discord pages where you can sign up and connect with other like-minded moms! 

If you like what you’re reading, join my newsletter for more mommy tips straight to your inbox!

Connect with New Moms on Pinterest

I’m not going to lie; I’m new to Pinterest, but I think it’s one of the greatest tools for connecting with new moms. Since I’ve been on there, I’ve found thousands of blogs with helpful tips and stories from other moms. 

I don’t know about you, but when I search for something on Google related to moms, I’m only shown stuff from the bigger brands like Babylist, Ergobaby, and so on. These brands simply have a way bigger online presence, so their content gets pushed to the top of the line. 

Unfortunately, smaller, more intimate blogs with valuable content and stories get buried 20 pages deep. 

Pinterest brings these gems to the surface. 

Find Local Groups to Connect to New Moms

Last but not least, you can always find local groups to connect with new moms! In my area, the local hospitals have tons of information about new mommy groups.

These are fun because you can show up with your baby and hang out with other moms and their little beans. 

You can also check Instagram or Facebook for local mom groups that meet once a month to do fun things together! 

Picture of Cydney Nelson

Cydney Nelson

Cydney Nelson is the Founder, CEO and Creative Director of Departed Creature. With a passion for authentic storytelling, Cydney shares her journey through mental health, pregnancy, travel and more. Her mission is to break stigmas, inspire and create a safe space where everyone can belong.


Picture of Cydney Nelson

Cydney Nelson

Cydney Nelson is the Founder, CEO and Creative Director of Departed Creature. With a passion for authentic storytelling, Cydney shares her journey through mental health, pregnancy, travel and more. Her mission is to break stigmas, inspire and create a safe space where everyone can belong.

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